Obinna Jude

Obinna Jude

Jude Obinna is a Digital Communication and Media/Multimedia professional with over 6 years of experience in Digital marketing, SEO, web development and Cybersecurity.

How to Rank Your Website Without A Blog Page

How to Rank Your Website Without A Blog Page
It takes more time and effort to rank a website without a blog page than it takes for the one that has a blog page. Getting a website that does not have a blog page to rank on the first page of google search results may sometimes be a struggle.  As an SEO professional, you may have been in that position where you are asked to optimize a website, but you are only limited with the content on the website home page or few other pages. On some occasions, the marketing team may have made their decision about the page copy and your hands are tied on the amount of changes you can influence on the page content.

What SEO Service Does Your Business Need? How to Find Out

How discover the SEO service your business need
One great benefit of SEO service is its long term benefit. As the traffic from pay per click (PPC) advertising ends the moment you stop paying, SEO traffic persists over a long time if done right. Despite SEO being a very relevant digital marketing component to explore, it is very important to know which kind of SEO service your business needs at a particular stage in your marketing journey. This will not only save cost for you, but it will also help in guiding your measurement of result.

How to Optimize SEO for Restaurants and Food Businesses

SEO for Restaurants
There is no time to take optimizing SEO for Restaurants seriously than now. Most food and restaurant businesses are now click and mortar by nature. Click and Mortar simply means businesses that have both physical stores and online (website) operational presence.  Most people now search online first before making a physical visit to the store. Therefore, in order to get your restaurant business to appear first when they are doing such searches, you will have to optimize your online presence for that.

7 Importance of Responsive Design for Mobile SEO?

Importance of responsive design to mobile SEO
Irrespective of the fact that the majority of content management system themes come with responsive design capabilities by default, it is important to understand how they impact mobile SEO. The importance of responsive design for mobile SEO includes the avoidance of duplicate content, benefiting from the Google mobile-first indexing approach, increased social media sharing for the website, improved local SEO, the ability to adapt to new devices, a better user experience, and increased loading speed. In this article, we are going to look at each of these important factors and the role they play in improving website ranking.

Is SEO Dying? Three Things SEO Professional Should Know

is SEO dying
Is SEO dying? The short answer to this question is NO. The fact is that the way we do SEO and the way SEO contents are consumed will change or evolve, but SEO will remain. Therefore, irrespective of the fact that SEO is not going away soon, SEO content creators have a great role to play in maintianing the relevance of search engine in the search ecosystem.

How User Experience (UX) Affects SEO Rankings

The Impact of User Experience on SEO Rankings
In this ever-evolving world of search engine optimization (SEO), user experience has emerged as a key factor in determining website ranking. Gone are the days when simply including keywords in your content guaranteed high visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs). Search engines, and Google in particular, are now focused on providing the best possible experience for their users.  That serves as the key motivation for the introduction of the search generative experience (SGE). This shift in focus forces businesses and website owners to prioritize user experience (UX) if they want to improve their SEO rankings.

How to Make Your Website Rank at the Top of Google Search

How to Improve Your Website's SEO Ranking
This might be the reason your website is not getting enough traffic. Are you wondering how you can improve your website’s SEO ranking? Or maintain a high ranking on search engine result pages even with algorithm updates? Maybe you have followed all the advice from the SEO gurus to optimize your content, but still, you have nothing to show for it. This article will give you a practical guide to improving your search engine ranking. SEO is rapidly changing and with the new era of search right here with us with the advent of generative AI,  the way we do and approach SEO has to change also.  It is no longer enough to make sure you meet SEO requirements or your SEO score is 100%, that alone may not improve your search ranking.

New SEO Content Strategy to Survive SGE and Algorithm Updates

New SEO content strategy to Survive Search Generative Experience-SGE
We are in a new era of search. For that very reason,  businesses need a new SEO content strategy to survive the generative AI disruption coming. Websites are going to be losing traffic and there will be a revenue drop for website content creators. Generative AI will make content creation easier and in turn increase content availability. This means competition for website traffic will increase as well. Also with the recent Google announcement of Search Generative Experience which is already in its experimental stage, there will be a decline in website link clicks on search engine results pages (SERP).